The Human Anatomy Laboratory (LAH) is located on the ground floor of the Medical Teaching Building, on the Jatoba Campus of the Federal University of Jatai (UFJ), Brazil. LAH supports the macroscopic morphological learning of the organs of the different systems of the human organism for more than 200 students each year. Workshops and training opportunities for future physician associates, physical therapists, pathology associates, and other health professionals are also our goals. LAH has a new collection of anatomical artificial models, literary works from different publishers, Atlas of Human Anatomy for students to consult during practical classes.
LAH has been recently opened. It is receiving donations from the external community for the creation and maintenance of its collection of bones and a variety of human organs including brains, lungs, hearts, and spinal cords. This effort can assist the students in understanding the interrelationship of the human body’s systems.
Your contribution to our program makes an invaluable difference to the physicians, surgeons, and researchers of tomorrow. Generous support from donors and affiliates helps to make our work possible. Whether you wish to donate your body for study, make a gift, or become an industry partner, contact us. ++55 (64)99213-9807